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Computing the long term evolution of the solar system with geometric numerical integrators
Computing the long term evolution of the solar system with geometric numerical integrators
Simulating the dynamics of the Sun–Earth–Moon sys- tem with a standard algorithm yields a dramatically wrong solution, predicting that the Moon is ejected from its orbit. In contrast, a well chosen algorithm with the same initial data yields the correct behavior. We explain the main ideas of how the evolution of the solar system can be computed over long times by taking advantage of so-called geometric numerical methods. Short sample codes are provided for the Sun–Earth–Moon system.
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Matematiksel konular
Nümerik ve Hesap Analizi
Diğer alanlarla ilişkiler
Mühendislik ve Teknoloji
DOI (Dijital nesne belirteci)
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snapshots: overview
Matematiksel konular
Cebir ve Sayılar Kuramı
Eğitim ve Eğitim Bilimi
Ayrık Matematik ve Matematiğin Temelleri
Geometri ve Topoloji
Nümerik ve Hesap Analizi
Olasılık Kuramı ve İstatistik
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Bilgisayar Bilimeri
Mühendislik ve Teknoloji
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Matematik Üzerine Düşünceler