Gerade rechtzeitig zu Weihnachten ist das neueste Produkt von IMAGINARY erschienen: die IMAGINARY-Entdeckerbox, eine Auswahl spannender Inhalte der IMAGINARY-Plattform für zu Hause. Sie enthält eine Mischung aus physischen und elektronischen Materialien: 3D-Skulpturen, Poster, handwerkliches zum Selberbasteln, eine Live-DVD mit...Weiterlesen
“TROP ICSU: A Global Climate Change Education Project” aims to integrate relevant education and science communication modules in the education system to help future citizens across the globe in improving their understanding of the science of climate change and in developing necessary skills to mitigate its impact.
For this, the TROP ICSU team collates and curates digital/ICT-based teaching resources that integrate climate studies across the curriculum of Science, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities. These teaching resources are locally rooted in their context, but globally relevant for their science.
IMAGINARY participates on the TROP ICSU project providing infrastructure, design, and expertise on public science outreach.
More information on the TROP ICSU project page at, and on the official TROP ICSU website.