Prime Tuples in Function Fields

Instantáneas de la actualidad matemática desde Oberwolfach

Prime Tuples in Function Fields

How many prime numbers are there? How are they distributed among other numbers? These are questions that have intrigued mathematicians since ancient times. However, many questions in this area have remained unsolved, and seemingly unsolvable in the forseeable future.

In this snapshot, we will discuss one such problem, the Twin Prime Conjecture, and a quantitative version of it known as the Hardy–Littlewood Conjecture. We will also see that these and other questions about prime numbers can be extended to questions about function fields, and discuss recent progress which has been made to answer them in this context. 

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Área matemática

Álgebra y Teoría de números


Lior Bary-Soroker


DOI (Identificador de objetos digitales)



snapshots: overview

Área matemática

Álgebra y Teoría de números
Didáctica y Educación
Matemática discreta y Fundamentos
Geometría y Topología
Cálculo numérico y científico
Teoría de la probabilidad y Estadística

Relaciones con otros campos

Química y Ciencias de la Tierra
Ingeniería y Tecnología
Humanidades y Ciencias sociales
Ciencias de la vida
Reflexiones sobre la matemática

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