AIMS-IMAGINARY - Maths and Science Exhibition and Workshop
This second edition of the AIMS-IMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow, Workshop and Exhibition will showcase interactive visual and hands-on tools used to stimulate interest in maths and sciences among diverse groups of people. The event targets primary, secondary, high school and university learners and teachers/lecturers. It will consist of (1) an AIMS-IMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow packed with hands-on activities and discussions, (2) an AIMS-IMAGINARY Maths and Science Exhibition, (3) discussions by interested participants willing to be part of the AIMS-IMAGINARY network to share ideas and plan for future events, and (4) a Science Slam event. The event is being organized by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and supported by IMAGINARY and the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, and the Government of Senegal. The event will be hosted at AIMS Senegal in Mbour.
Supporting the development of the next generation of mathematicians and scientists in Africa is crucial to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences. A key mechanism to achieve this is to work with partners in and out of Africa to showcase interactive visual and hands-on maths and science exhibits that are used to inspire learners and to encourage them to pursue maths and science subjects/careers.
Maths and science remains crucial for development and the younger generation has an important role to play in the development of their communities through the application of mathematical science ideas. This is in an effort to enable them address issues related to clean water, energy, sustainable agriculture, health, climate change mitigation and adaptation etc. For this to be achieved, the abilities of learners to think critically and become problem solvers needs to be enhanced.
Following the success of the first AIMS-IMAGINARY Maths and Science Workshop-Exhibition which took place in Cape Town, South Africa in 2014, AIMS is pleased to host the second edition of this event in Senegal.
Goal of the 2nd AIMS-IMAGINARY Mathematical Sciences Roadshow, Workshop, Exhibition
- Bring together learners and trainers/teachers to experience interactive visual and hands-on maths communication concepts captured in the form of images
- Bring together the community in Senegal and abroad to showcase cutting-edge maths and science ideas used to inspire learners and encourage them to be active in maths and science subjects
- Challenge learners and trainers to formulate new maths and science ideas that can be transformed into visual objects using local materials
- Share ideas and plan for future events on the African continent
Event Format
The event will assume two parallel formats
1. The AIMS-IMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow
This will be an activity-based Roadshow which will target high school and university learners, trainers/lecturers along with guest speakers who will take part in an educational tour around the city of Mbour. Participants will be exposed and interact with various visual and hand-on exhibits used in classrooms. The maths and science underpinning these objects will be explained to the participants by experts. Participants will also be challenged to use local materials to develop new objects and discuss the maths and science concepts underpinning these objects.
The tour will end with a campus maths and science exhibition and discussion at the university of Gaston Berger (day 2 of the event) and Mariama ba High School in Senegal (day 3 of the event). During this campus exhibition, a booth will be set-up and tour participants will showcase their exhibits and discuss their scientific concepts.
2. Maths and Science Workshops
Interspaced with the Roadshows and exhibitions will be workshop sessions for discussion by interested participants wishing to share ideas and plan for future similar activities. Workshops are planned on the topics “fundraising for science communication in Africa” and for “establishing a blogging platform for exchange in African mathematics communication”.
3. Maths and Science Exhibition at AIMS Senegal
The Exhibition at the centre will target a wider audience of learners and trainers/teachers from primary, secondary, high school and university level as well as the general public. Participants will have the opportunity to see a range of maths and science exhibits and learn about the ideas underpinning them. They will also interact with hands-on maths and science objects, challenging themselves to develop various objects using local materials.
4. Science Slam
The event will end with a Science Slam competition at AIMS Senegal. Competitors will comprise of postgraduates (including AIMS students, tutors, researchers), undergraduates and high school students who will work together as a team on defined mathematical science topics and present this to an audience.
Click here to fill out the Travel Logistics Form.
5. Review and Pictures
For a more detailed review and many pictures see the blog entry on of this event.
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