Imaginary, a mathematical symphony in Barcelona.
De dilluns a divendres de 9 a 20 h i dissabtes de 10 a 14 h. Cada 3r dissabte de mes hi haurà visites guiades. I també es podran fer visites per a grups docents, amb reserva prèvia.
The Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC) celebrates its 50th anniversary, and the Mathematics and Statistics Faculty (FME) marks the ephemeris with an exhibition “Imaginary, a mathematical symphony”.
The exhibition contains most of the original exhibition “Through the eyes of mathematics”, translated and enhanced in 2012 with didactical guides and a booklet in Spanish and Catalan.
In this edition, the classical content of algebraic images gallery, 3D-prints, software (SURFER, Morenaments…), is augmented with a space “Sciences of Fiction” created by the FME about artificial intelligence and robotics, and a “MMACA space” with exhibits from the Museum of Mathematics of Catalonia (MMACA), including new polyhedral kaleidoscopes.
Also, a new musical instrument born from engineering and mathematical modelisation will be unveiled in the exhibition.

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