
Geometry of Architecture


Geometry of Architecture


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Film produced within the project Intuitive and Interactive Geometry, by the Facultade de Ciências da Univerdidade de Lisboa.
Suzana Nápoles
Margarida Oliveira
José Soeiro
João Filipe Silva
Pedro Mira
Phil Sobral
Avec le soutien de: 
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Through works by renowned architects such as Antoni Gaudí, Felix Candela and Oscar Niemeyer, this film intends to show the natural way in which the formulas, the geometry of forms and their concretization are intertwined.

This film is part of the project Intuitive and Interactive Geometry (Gi2), a web platform by the University of Lisbon, for the education of elementary geometry.

In the website of the Gi2 project, you can explore several geometric experiences with interactive applets, based on the popular free-accesss software GeoGebra, including the experiences proposed in the video.


Portuguese: Film, Website.

English: Film, Website.

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