
Knots in 4D


Knots in 4D



Emeği Geçenler

Created by Ester Dalvit, 2016 at University of Toronto and University of Camerino.
from musope.org, incompetech.com, freemusicarchive.org, freesound.org
INdAM Fellowships in Mathematics and/or applications cofunded by Marie Curie Actions

4D-knots: what are they? Can we visualize them?
Are there interesting math problems about them?

The film is divided in three parts:

  1. Knots in 3D. Here we introduce notation and concepts for usual knots. 3D-knots are represented in 2D.
  2. Knotted surfaces in 4D. Parallel of part 1, in one dimension more! 4D-knots are represented as 3D objects (on a 2D screen, alas!).
  3. Ribbon knotted surfaces. A particular type of 4D-knots, maybe the “simplest” ones to describe. They have different representations and analyzing them we meet open questions in maths!


Part 1: Knots in 3D: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=nYz3pRk1cCA
Part 2: Knotted surfaces in 4D: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=h68AxRiGxBw
Part 3: Ribbon knotted surfaces: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=p5tPb5yN-CE

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