Mathematic of Planet Earth - A new upgrade for the travelling hands’ on exhibition in 2017
In 2017, Centre Sciences with the collaboration of some mathematic researchers and laboratories, intends to develop new topics and experiences to upgrade the physical exhibition “Mathematic of Planet Earth”. There will increase public awareness of the crucial role of mathematics sciences to understand and manage the main Earth’s issues. There will allows teachers, students or public organizations to share interest and knowledge on a cultural and scientific event in numerous places.
Among the new ones: Maths in nature / A solid core for the Earth / Digital sundial / Lorenz’s chaotic mill / Avalanches seeds / Resist to earthquakes / Mechanical soliton…
We propose here to upgrade this exhibition with new experiences and presentations. There will be documented with technical specifications, pictures and illustrations, mains ideas and more to know on subject and scientific references to presented research in progress.
You’ll find in the pdf all the contents and few pictures but some hands-on are allways in prototype step; we previous to set up the exhibition in complete version with the CDT in Imperial College of London in october. More pictures, vidéo and technical informations will be published on Imaginary platform asap.
1 - Maths in nature:hands-on experience “Do seashells know mathematics?” around spiral and fractals in seashells and a video presentation with Fibonacci and fractals in plants
2 - A solid core for the Earth:hands-on experience “Travelling through the Earth” with a green laser to simulate the trajectory of a seismic wave inside the Earth. Here visitors explore the internal structure of our planet and provide the shape of the Earth’s core.
3 - Digital sundial:on a table, the hands-on “Read the time in the shadow of the Sun” is allowing us to reproduce the course of the Sun, a digital sundial based on a three-dimensional fractal surprises by displaying the hourly figures.
4 - Lorenz’s chaotic mill:with the hands-on experience “Lorenz’s chaotic mill”, a sand mill illustrates the chaotic behaviour like the Lorenz’s mill. Visitors can play with a real model, and follow explanations extracted from the film Chaos.
5 - Avalanches seeds:hands-on mobile disk “Avalanches’ seeds… when they don’t mix!” with sand and grains allows the visitor to observe the behaviour of materials inside an avalanche
6 - Resist to earthquakes:on the hands-on “7 on the Richter’ scale”, visitors test a small building under a seismic waves P or S, observing how theses waves are propagating in the structure of tower.
7 - Mechanical soliton: hands-on “Waves that keep the shape” is a chain of simple pendulums coupled to a torsion spring makes it possible to see the propagation of one or more waves.
8 - Mathematic and natural risks, a new topic in the exhibition MPT-2017