"MPE - Mathematics of Planet Earth" in Heidelberg


"MPE - Mathematics of Planet Earth" in Heidelberg
5 Jul. 2015 hasta 2 Ago. 2015

Sunday, July 5: 6 pm to 8 pm

Mondays to Fridays: 1 pm to 7 pm

Thursdays: 1 pm to 8 pm

Saturdays and Sundays: 11 am to 7 pm

Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof|Am Karlstor 1|Heidelberg|69117|DE

Enviado por


Ruth Wetzlar (Head of Conference Management HLFF)
Christiane Schirok (Outreach Activities HLFF)
Stephan Hölz (Media&Design HLFF)
Bianca Violet (project management IMAGINARY)
Christian Stussak (software and technology advisor, IMAGINARY)

The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation invites you to visit the exhibition “Mathematics of Planet Earth” at Karlstorbahnhof in Heidelberg, Germany! It runs from July 5 to Aug 2, 2015, for the first time in Heidelberg. It offers a big variety of exciting adventures for children and adults alike.

“Mathematics of Planet Earth” is an international exhibition that shows exhibits and programs concerning the question, how mathematics can (and does) play a role in solving esssential problems of our planet. In programs, visualizations and hands-on experiments you can discover its contribution to topics like astronomy, fluid dynamics, volcanism, glaciers or cartography.

This exhibition is organized by Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF), which came to life in 2013 by joint efforts of Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS) and Heidelberg Institut for Theoretical Studies (HITS). The Forum brings together awardees of the most important prizes in mathematics and comuter science, like Abel Prize, Fields Medal, incl. Nevanlinna-Prize and ACM A. M. Turing-Award, and 200 of the world’s best young academics in these fields. Further, HLFF wants to raise public awareness in the disciplines mathematics and computer science, as well as sustainably strengthen interest in these subjects.


Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof e. V.
Am Karlstor 1 | 69117 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 6221 978911


July 5 - August 2, 2015

Opening hours:       

Sunday, July 5: 6 pm to 8 pm
Mondays to Fridays: 1 pm to 7 pm
Thursdays: 1 pm to 8 pm
Saturdays and Sundays: 11 am to 7 pm


free of charge

Guided tours for groups:  

on request | special tours for school classes


Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33 | 69118 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 6221 533-382
E-Mail: mpe[at]heidelberg-laureate-forum.org

Todos los eventos

29 Feb. 2016 hasta 18 Mar. 2016
9 Feb. 2016
8 Feb. 2016 hasta 22 Feb. 2016
31 Ene. 2016 hasta 20 Feb. 2016
27 Ene. 2016 hasta 29 Ene. 2016
4 Ene. 2016 hasta 22 Ene. 2016
24 Dic. 2015 hasta 25 Oct. 2016
23 Dic. 2015 hasta 29 Ene. 2016
18 Dic. 2015 hasta 29 Feb. 2016
11 Dic. 2015 hasta 12 Feb. 2016
30 Nov. 2015 hasta 2 Dic. 2015
22 Nov. 2015 hasta 26 Nov. 2015
9 Nov. 2015 hasta 13 Nov. 2015